Saturday, January 24, 2009

the value of the Psalms....

It's tempting to overlook the importance of the Psalms for personal Bible study. After all, the REALLY deep stuff is all in the New Testament....right??? I think that we all do ourselves a disservice when we ignore the deep truths and rich doctrine that we find within the Psalms. The New Testament is filled with important doctrine: the gospel of Jesus Christ, how the church should function, teachings on our daily walk with Christ, and much more. BUT the Psalms speak so much of the glory of God! Not that the NT ignores these things, but the tendency in my own Bible reading is to study "better" things than the person of God. How terrible! Recently, the Lord has convicted me of this and shown me the importance of the Psalms in my devotional life. Read Psalm 118 and tell me you don't have a greater appreciation for the Lord because of it!

1 comment:

Gregory Irby said...

yes, I love the Lord more after reading this Psalm. I think that if we read this Psalm with a little more attention, we would read the next with a little more attention. Our love for God's Word ought to be drawn from our love for God. What a shame that we love God's Word more than God Himself. We should love the Law of Psalm 119 becuase they reveal the God of Psalm 118